ADF (Provisional title) - 2020 Ongoing - Photography & Video

The Mediterranean region is heating up at a faster pace than other parts of the world. The Iberian peninsula has always suffered from drought and it’s getting worse. Fires are a constant threat however in Catalonia and since the 1980’s the ADF (Asociacio de Defensa Forestal) was born and which translates into Forest Defense Association. They are “volunteer” fire prevention groups which have existed after the first major wave of forest fires in the region. what are called 6th generation fires, impossible to stop with the existing resources. So the best solution is fire prevention and that is where the important role of the ADF starts.

The ADF’s do fire prevention work all year round as well as patrolling. The ADF usually arrives first at the scene of a fire and knows the land much better then the firemen and thus are able to help the firemen navigate the unknown terrain in forests. However when the firemen arrive the ADF must stand back and aid the firemen.

The ADF's are formed by forest landowners, local city halls and volunteers and are very well organized. I must say though that I have not seen a landowner nor mayor yet in the field (except in board meetings) but instead have found many young people interested in being firemen, forest managers or technicians doing volunteer work or paid summer jobs when fire prevention and patrol work intensifies.

I am convinced that thanks to their work as well as the firemen and the CREAF (Ecological and Forestry Application Research Centre) we would be having many more fires in the region

This is another under reported human/climate change stories that should be told.